Tron Legacy: Living in a Digital World


Poetry as Game: Gaming as Poetry

Arteroids is about cracking language open. William S. Burroughs said about audio tape that when you cut it, the future spills out. When writers and artists use cut-up techniques of all kinds on all types of media, when sound is an inscribable, editable object just as language is--and the same goes for video and other digitizable material information--then language is indeed cracked open in the sense that the fundamental symbols of writing are no longer simply the letters in the alphabet and other typographical marks. Writing is now a larger thing.

Week Eight Assignments

1. Explore Jim Andrews' poetry-game, "Arteroids"

2. Listen to/read "Algorithms of our Lives" - 20 minute audio

3. Watch "Tron Legacy: Living in a Digital World" clip - 3 minutes

5. Blog Response Topics (100 words each):
a. "Algorithms for Life" (What do you think of the 4 central questions/tenants of the article? Do these processes affect the way you gather meaning from art? and how?)
b. "Arteroids" (What was your experience of/with the game/poem?)
c. "The Function of Digital Poetry" (What are some of the differences between print and digital poetry? Does digital media change the way you read? If so, how?)
d. "Tron Legacy" (What changes will the virtual world make in your life in the next 10 years?)
e. "Machine Intelligence and Electronic Literature" (What are the differences between Machine Language and Human Language and what are the effects and/or consequences of these differences?)

6. Write a Twitter essay based on "Algorithms of our Lives" - no more than 144 characters. See how many levels of response you can address in the Twitter format. Post on your blog.

7. Write a Twitter essay based on "Machine Intelligence and Electronic Literature"- no more than 144 characters. Post.
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